Tuesday, December 30, 2008

First Post, Airline Surfboard Fees are Lame!

This is my first post and one that hasn't directly affected me yet, but it has affected a lot of friends. Surfboard Fees for airlines have become ridonkulous. Flying out of ILM is already costly enough compared to other airports in the region, but the fees they are charging to bring a surfboard are insane. Not only is charging an arm and a leg and a foot not fair, but some airlines have gone and banned surfboards all together, while other sporting equipment travels for free.

There have been instances of surfers putting multiple boards in one bag and weighing in under the 50lb limit and getting charged per board in the bag. How much were they charged, do you ask? $150/board. Lets do some math..... You have one boardbag with 3 boards and you are weighing in under the 50lb limit... Your cost now is $450 for surfboard travel. You don't see golfers being charged per club or divas being charged per shoe.

Below is a link to speak up against the airlines and get your voices heard.


Airline Surfboard Fees are LAME!!!!!!