Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Video Game Endings that are Lame

Do you remember spending hours upon hours in front of the TV playing Nintendo and finally beating a game expecting a fantastic ending. Something that would be so awesome you might try to take a picture of it. But you are actually treated to a lame ending written in poor English, or maybe some lame explosion. How annoying was that? I remember playing Tecmo Super Bowl and I had just won the Super Bowl for the first time, playing as the Washington Redskins and I was expecting my mind to be blown. What happens? Well, my mind was definitely not blown and I was sorely disappointed. The game ended with the coach being held above the team with the wording; "Super Champion, Washington Redskins Below" the game then proceeds to list the players on the team during the credits. How lame is that? Even for being so young, I was expecting so much more.

Check out some other Lame video game endings below.

Video Games that have Lame Endings are LAME!

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