Tuesday, January 27, 2009

User Submitted: Truck Bears are Lame

This photo was submitted by a friend of That's So Lame. I don't know much about this picture other than the fact there is a huge fake bear, Im assuming it's fake, in the back of a pick-up truck. What is funny to me about this picture is thinking about where the got the bear and what he is planning to do with the bear. Is it a gift for the significant other? Is it a lawn ornament? Is it some kind of burglar deterrent device, kind of like a scarecrow? Does the owner have other life sized stuffed creatures in their yard or house? The possibilities are endless.

Readers: Comment below on what you think the story behind this bear is.

Placing Large Bears in the Back of your Pick-Up Truck is LAME!!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

BlueTooth Headsets Are Lame!!!!!

Have you ever been walking down a street and you see what appears to be a crazy guy talking to himself? No, not a crazy homeless man, but a guy in a semi-nice to nice suit just chatting with himself. Wondering, who the hell he's talking too. Most likely he is on a bluetooth headset. How lame are these things?

I used to work in a building where you could take an elevator up to the office and sometimes you would walk into the elevator and stand next to somebody. Then all of a sudden they say "Hey, How's it going?" and of course you respond with something along the lines of "Not too bad, How about yourself?" and the person turns around and looks at you like an idiot. You then realize he has a bluetooth headset on and he is talking to somebody else. I don't know how many times this has happened to me, but it urks me every time it does.

I have never once considered purchasing a bluetooth headset nor will I ever accept that they are as great as people say they are. Maybe if your hands are always full of stuff, one would be applicable. Maybe a pizza tosser could use a bluetooth. Those guys are always twirling pizzas around and pounding dough into circles. Those guys could use a bluetooth headset, but somebody who is just walking down the street not carrying anything, come on, just use your opposable thumbs like the rest of us.

BlueTooth Headsets Are Lame!!!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What The "H" is This Post??????

This video may be lame or it may not be lame, I still haven't figured it out yet. All I do know is that it is hillarious and needs to be shown to everyone. This "Guy" is a legit musician who has a website and everything. I need to find the lryics to the song and see what he is actually talking about because the lyrics may make the song even "better". Enjoy!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix is a Rapper

Joaquin Phoenix is a rapper, say what? That is the first thing that came across my mind as I watched this video. I knew that J-Pheezy, as I will now refer to him as, was thinking about a career in music when he surprisingly announced his retirement from acting. I did not think that it would be a jump into the world of hip-hop. J-Pheezy did a great job of learning and playing the songs of the late great Johnny Cash in "Walk The Line" and a transition into that style of music is what I was expecting, not hip-hop.

I know that the video is not of the best quality and you can't hear the lyrics that well, but I doubt they are good anyways. To make this even funnier and more lame is what J-Pheezy now looks like.

To me the hip-hop J-Pheezy kind of looks like Will Ferrell in the "Cowbell Video" and Tom Hanks from "Castaway". I would like to see J-Pheezy go a little more hardcore. Maybe a grill, some dreads, NFL Throwback Jersey, and a tattoo. You know, really embrace his inner hip-hop. But for now, this is the new Joaquin Phoenix.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Double Cheeseburger vs. McDouble

Before the New Year I was visiting one of my favorite fast food stops, McDonalds. When I go to McDonalds, I usually enjoy the Double Cheeseburger, Fries, and Sweet Tea. These items are usually found on the infamous Dollar Menu.

As I was waiting in line I was perusing the Dollar Menu looking for my unhealthy but oh so delicious treat, but I struck out. No Double Cheeseburger on the Dollar Menu. However, I do see some kind of hybrid cheesburger titled the McDouble. What the "H" is a McDouble? I asked the person on the other end of the speaker what a McDouble was and she responded by saying: "A McDouble is the same as a Double Cheeseburger, but it only has one slice of cheese instead of two slices of cheese."

Really? How lame is this? I ordered the McDouble and did enjoy the tasty treat, but come on.... To back-track a litte, I wrote this post today because I came across an article on the Double Cheeseburger removal from the Dollar Menu and its new fun replacement the McDouble. The Double Cheesburger is now $1.19 instead of a buck. Seriously, $.19/slice of cheese and a removal from the Dollar Menu.

Do I order the Double Cheeseburger at its new full price or do I stick to the Dollar Menu and go with the McDouble. Of course, I go with the McDouble. One piece of McCheese might be better than two pieces of McCheese. I guess McDonalds thinks people like me who bought the Double Cheeseburger for a buck will pony up and pay the extra pennies. Sooner or later they will be charging for extra napkins and ketchup.

That's just my one hundred cents!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

User Submitted: Lame-O Sun & Moon Jars

This is the first post that has been submitted by a user.

Sun & Moon Jars and their lame ability to capture sun and moonlight.

"Captured inside the Sun and Moon Jars are a highly efficient solar cell, a rechargeable battery and low energy LED lamps. When the jar is placed in direct sunlight the solar cell creates an electrical current that charges the battery over a few hours. This energy is then used at night to power the three LED lamps inside the jar. "

Not only are mason jars good at storing pigs feet, vegetables, moonshine, and jam, but now you can store moonlight and sunlight. How lame is this? Not only is it a pretty dorky idea when the jar is actually lit up, but who wants a glowing jar at their desk or in their window sill? What I find to be the most ludicrous about this lame product is that when the jar is not "glowing" it is just an empty jar sitting their being lame.

I can hear it now...... "Dude, you should totally come back after my sweet jars have collected some sun and moonlight, it's really bad ass. We can just sit on the couch and look at my glowing jars in all their dumb lit glory." Come on, that is ridiculously lame.

You can purchase the sun and moon jars here: Lame Sun & Moon Jars

Sun & Moon Jars are SO LAME.

Skier Hangs Pantless from Ski Lift

Apparently on January 1st, 2009 a father and his daughter were visiting a ski resort in Vail, Colorado when an unfortunate yet hilarious incident occurred. The man and his daughter were attempting to board the chairlift, but the fold down seat was not folded down. The next serious of events are quite funny. Once the man tried to position himself on the seat, he fell through the gap where the folded down seat should have been. His right ski became lodged in the chairlift and kept him hanging upsides down. His ski boot never released itself from the binding and he was left dangling upside down as the chairlift started to move. To make the story even funnier, the mans ski pants were held up by the seat, so he is now not only hanging upside down, but he is in his birthday suit from the waist down. The resort personnel were able to stop the chairlift from moving, but the man dangled upside down and bare bottomed for 15 minutes before they could back the ski up and and safely remove him from the lift.

Can you imagine what is going on through his daughters mind. "Please don't let there be anybody from school here." That has to be one embarrassed young girl.

The picture below was taken by a local photographer.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Thats So Lame is Official

Thats So Lame has officially arrived. We have purchased our own domain name, http://www.thatssolame.com/ and we have also activated our first official email address; webmaster@thatssolame.com These are the first series of improvements that will add to the overall upgrade of Thats So Lame.

If you have any suggestions, comments, ideas, or anything else, we would love to hear from you. Thats So Lame is here to entertain and provide a quick laugh.

Thanks for the support!

Thats So Lame