Wednesday, January 14, 2009

User Submitted: Lame-O Sun & Moon Jars

This is the first post that has been submitted by a user.

Sun & Moon Jars and their lame ability to capture sun and moonlight.

"Captured inside the Sun and Moon Jars are a highly efficient solar cell, a rechargeable battery and low energy LED lamps. When the jar is placed in direct sunlight the solar cell creates an electrical current that charges the battery over a few hours. This energy is then used at night to power the three LED lamps inside the jar. "

Not only are mason jars good at storing pigs feet, vegetables, moonshine, and jam, but now you can store moonlight and sunlight. How lame is this? Not only is it a pretty dorky idea when the jar is actually lit up, but who wants a glowing jar at their desk or in their window sill? What I find to be the most ludicrous about this lame product is that when the jar is not "glowing" it is just an empty jar sitting their being lame.

I can hear it now...... "Dude, you should totally come back after my sweet jars have collected some sun and moonlight, it's really bad ass. We can just sit on the couch and look at my glowing jars in all their dumb lit glory." Come on, that is ridiculously lame.

You can purchase the sun and moon jars here: Lame Sun & Moon Jars

Sun & Moon Jars are SO LAME.

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