Thursday, January 15, 2009

Double Cheeseburger vs. McDouble

Before the New Year I was visiting one of my favorite fast food stops, McDonalds. When I go to McDonalds, I usually enjoy the Double Cheeseburger, Fries, and Sweet Tea. These items are usually found on the infamous Dollar Menu.

As I was waiting in line I was perusing the Dollar Menu looking for my unhealthy but oh so delicious treat, but I struck out. No Double Cheeseburger on the Dollar Menu. However, I do see some kind of hybrid cheesburger titled the McDouble. What the "H" is a McDouble? I asked the person on the other end of the speaker what a McDouble was and she responded by saying: "A McDouble is the same as a Double Cheeseburger, but it only has one slice of cheese instead of two slices of cheese."

Really? How lame is this? I ordered the McDouble and did enjoy the tasty treat, but come on.... To back-track a litte, I wrote this post today because I came across an article on the Double Cheeseburger removal from the Dollar Menu and its new fun replacement the McDouble. The Double Cheesburger is now $1.19 instead of a buck. Seriously, $.19/slice of cheese and a removal from the Dollar Menu.

Do I order the Double Cheeseburger at its new full price or do I stick to the Dollar Menu and go with the McDouble. Of course, I go with the McDouble. One piece of McCheese might be better than two pieces of McCheese. I guess McDonalds thinks people like me who bought the Double Cheeseburger for a buck will pony up and pay the extra pennies. Sooner or later they will be charging for extra napkins and ketchup.

That's just my one hundred cents!


  1. That's SO lame. I heard they were going to do that, but I thought it was just a stupid rumor. If they're going to charge 19 cents for a slice of cheese, it better be the good stuff.

  2. ha and now in 2016 the double cheeseburger is 1.79
